How to Protect Emails From Cyberattacks

Email is the most popular type of communication, but it’s also one of the most vulnerable. Hackers are always looking for new ways to hack your email account and steal your sensitive information.

First, ensure your passwords are strong. Make sure they are at least 16 characters long. They should also contain lower and uppercase symbols, letters, numbers and other characters.

Another option is to use an email service provider that is secure (ESP). The best ones include anti-spam and anti-phishing tools that can scan and eliminate malicious attachments, links, and other content before it gets to your inbox.

It is also possible to encrypt emails so that you are the only one who can read the messages. This is a good option for corporate email accounts where you don’t want your employees to be capable of copying or forwarding messages. Encrypting messages is like a lock box with two keys: your public key and your private key. If someone gets a hold of an encrypted message, they will only see text that is unclear.

Be careful not to share your email address on social media and websites. If you must, you can use an alias address to hide your actual email address. Use multi-factor authentication for all accounts that are important including your email. A compromised account could lead to many more therefore it’s worth the extra effort.

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