Privity Contract law Explained

In other words, the contract will produce rights and obligations strictly limited to the parties to the contract. The court required that the contract have a declaration of agency and that a carrier must have the authority to act on behalf of the principal. This position was overturned in the case Scruttons Ltd v Midland Silicones Ltd in 1962 where the court outlined specific conditions required for a third party to benefit from an exclusion provision. An agency contract is a contract where a party, the principal, designates another party, the agent, to act on his or her behalf.

Although Arav denied liability given that he was now no longer a party to the agreement, the Court held him liable for violating the covenant. As a result, in dealing with insurance claims, the rule of privity has been relaxed to allow beneficiaires, who may be third parties to the contract, to assert rights against the insurance carrier. As such, an exception to privity is to allow third-party beneficiaries in an insurance contract to submit a claim against an insurance provider to invoke rights under a contract they are not a party to. Under the doctrine of consideration, the rule was that a promise for consideration in exchange for nothing cannot lead to a legally binding contract unless it is recorded as a deed. If a third party has suffered damages or wishes to invoke certain rights against another party, the third-party party to a contract cannot use the contract as a legal basis to assert a claim, invoke certain rights or demand specific performance. In the UK, the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 reformed the privity of contract doctrine to allow third parties to invoke and enforce their rights in certain specific circumstances.

  • Two months later, John is collecting lease payments from Abigail, but nobody has shown up to take care of the air conditioner.
  • The court ruled that Dunlop, as it was a third party to this contract between Dew & Co. and Selfridge & Co., cannot claim damages for the same.
  • If a contract is made between the trustee of a trust and another party, then the beneficiary of the trust can sue by enforcing his right under the trust, even if he is a stranger to the contract.
  • If a contract is made for the benefit of a person, then he can sue upon the contract even though he is not a party to the agreement.
  • Horizontal privity refers to the relationship between the original parties who created the contract, whereas vertical privity refers to the relationship between an original party and a successor.

Should a privity of contract case require legal action, it is often pursued in civil court, rather than criminal court. In civil court, any restitution that is provided to the plaintiff is monetary, whereas in a criminal court, the ruling of the judge or jury may result in jail time. Either type of court case, however, is subject to being a part of the public record, allowing for other citizens to look into the case and find out the terms of the judges ruling, or any settlement that was reached. After attaining that age when Ravi didn’t receive the money and asked Arjun about it, he denied giving him his share.

A Covenant Running with the Land

A landlord and tenant have both privity of contract and privity of estate. If the tenant finds someone else to take over his lease so that he can move out, and assigns his lease to that new tenant, the new tenant (“assignee”) becomes responsible for the tenant’s obligations under the lease. The main points in this Doctrine of Privity of Contract emerged after the case of the Tweddle vs Atkinson case. Here, John Tweddle and William Guy agreed that they would both pay a sum of money to Tweddle’s son who was engaged to be married to William’s daughter. Tweddle’s son then sued Mr Guy’s estate executor for the promised sum.

The Indian contract act of 1872 was established based on these principles of Doctrine of Privity of Contract. However, the definition of Privity of Contract and Privity of Consideration is different under Indian law. It states that consideration can shift to a third party also, which means that both a promisee and a third party can also provide consideration.

This allows a third party (such as a contractor) the authority to file a claim, decide repairs, and collect insurance payments on behalf of the property owner. In property law, privity may be established by consensual substantive legal relationships between two or more parties. For example, landlord-tenant relationships, grantor-grantee relationships, and receiving land from a common grantor all establish privity because each relationship shares a substantive mutual interest.

For example, if you are the beneficiary of a spouse’s life insurance policy, you do not have legal standing to take action against the insurance company, as you were not the owner of the policy, but rather your spouse was. This was affirmed in Les Affreteurs Reunis v Walford [1919] AC 801. In this case, Walford (broker) negotiated a contract between the charter party and the ship owner, containing a stipulation as regards certain commission payable to Walford. The court found a trust to have been created owing to Walford receiving benefit under the agreement. The above line of cases hint at another rule ancillary to the main doctrine of privity of contract, that being, consideration must flow from the promisee.


On the contrary, such a jurisdiction clause was held to be not stretchable to the ship owner from a contract between the shipper and the carrier. This was so because only the liability clause (and not jurisdiction) extended to the ship owner from the original contract- The Mahkutai [1996] AC 650. In other words, the real right of action then rests with the principal as the contracting party, as the agent (promisee) then moves out of the arrangement so as not to sue or be sued- Wakefield v Duckworth [1915] 1 KB 218.

Final Thoughts on the Privity of Contract

Eventually the family split up and Etika filed a lawsuit to seek the cost of her marriage. The court upheld the case because as Etika was the beneficiary of the provision even though she was a stranger to the contract. If a contract is made for the advantage of someone, then he can sue upon the contract despite the fact that he is not a party to the agreement.

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Commercial transactions of the modern times are no longer confined to individuals or simple sale-purchase deals. With the multiplicity of parties on one hand, and the various stages of performance on the other, contemporary commercial contracts have become a complex web. Needless to state, the consequences and enforcement of such contractual relations are difficult to decipher. Again, the underlying rationale for this is likely due to the fact that a direct contractor will have other legal avenues of recovery since they have privity of contract with the property owner.

The Doctrine of Privity of Contract

These construction trust fund statutes are meant to protect all project participants from the misapplication or misappropriation of project funds. They do so by expanding liability well beyond the four corners of a contract. When a party to a contract wants to enforce those terms, they can typically do so only if they have contractual privity with the other party (i.e. the contracting party). This doctrine of contract law applies to both written and oral contracts. In Beswick v Beswick, the agreement was that Peter Beswick assign his business to his nephew in consideration of the nephew employing him for the rest of his life and then paying a weekly annuity to Mrs. Beswick.

When two or more parties in a contract are in privity, all parties are bound by the contract and are obligated to each other in some way. For instance, one party may receive remedies for breach of contract or force fulfillment of the contract as a result of privity of contract. Privity of contract is a doctrine of contract law that states that contracts should not give rights or obligations to entities other than those who are parties to the contract. If a third party gets a benefit under a contract, it does not have the right to go against the parties to the contract beyond its entitlement to a benefit.

Nancy filed a case against Peter which was held by the Court since the contract was a family arrangement with Nancy as the beneficiary. Generally, a life insurance policy is a doctrine of Privity of Contract as it is an agreement between only the policyholder and the insurance company. However, beneficiaries of an insurance policy can sue the company to claim the sum assured. At this stage, one should note that beneficiaries are both strangers to policy agreement as well as to the consideration. The rule of privity may also be modified by the principles relating to the transfer of any property which is immovable.

View the related practice notes about Privity of Contract

Accordingly, the premise of the Doctrine of Privity of Contract is that only contracting parties can be sued or have the right to sue any of the other participants for any agreement related to the conflict. Also, the rule of privity of consideration is discussed briefly in this article. Unlike the rule of privity of contract, the rule of privity of consideration is well established and clear with a statutory backing. It has been explicitly mentioned in the definition of consideration provided under Section 2(d) that the consideration can be furnished by any person.

For example, under a lease agreement, both the landlord and tenant have privity of estate. Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia have all enacted statutory provisions to enable third party beneficiaries to enforce contracts, and limited the ability of contracting parties to vary the contract after the third party has relied on it. In addition, section 48 of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) allows third-party beneficiaries to enforce contracts of insurance. If a contract is made under a family arrangement to benefit a stranger (person not a party to the contract), then the stranger can sue in his own right as a beneficiary of the contract.

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