Monday Night Combat: Review
Agree, sometimes I want to take the best from a few well -done things, connect it and enjoy the result? As the hero of the remarkable and inimitable said Yuri Nikulin In the Soviet comedy “Diamond hand”: “And you do not have the same, but with mother -of -pearl buttons?”Although, if frankly, such a synthesis is not always the key to success. How many times have we witnessed how someone grabbed successful ideas from everywhere, blinded into a lump and sentenced his own, unique. But in fact, the creation turned out to be garbage. This is because it is found at every step, and not only in the world of video games.
But now you, I’m afraid, will have the wrong impression of the subject of our today’s conversation. I just talk about the options for the outcome, because life is a thing completely unpredictable. But the stars this time are located so that Uber Entertainment managed to create a completely competent combination. So let’s in more detail about her.
The war of clones
Well, of course, the idea Monday Night Combat Not new at all. At the first, second, as well as with all subsequent views on it, a persistent feeling of deja vu arises. This is not bad and not good – it only means that experienced players will be warm here, comfortable and familiar.
Monday Night Combat – This is a television show. Everything that happens in
the arena is broadcast on wide screens of thousands and thousands of spectators, and is also commented accordingly. The scale of what is happening, I must say, inspires. But, despite the scope, it should be treated with humor here – the developers themselves are unequivocally hinted at this and in every possible way push.
Our goal is to destroy the money ball (read the “base”) of the enemy and prevent your own (read “your”). In general, the old kind Dota, As you can see. For a more effective attack, we have robots/bots at the disposal, the call points of which are located near the “respuna”. True, in order to send a detachment of iron monsters that destroy everything in their path (all enemy, of course), we need some amount of cash. In the same way, for money, we are erecting defensive structures – towers of four different types, which in the future can be upgraded. Yes, all on the same green crispy papers. Bucks are earned, as it is easy to guess, by killing enemies, their bots and the destruction of defense.
IN Monday Night Combat There are two modes: “Blitz” (Blitz) and “Cross -Fire” (Crossfire). The first is a kind of preparatory stage-here you can try out classes, weapons, think about tactics and generally try on and shoot. Your task is to reflect the waves of enemies (a computer is blown up for them) trying to attack a cash ball. You can do this alone (the “single” looks like in the company with other gamers. Well, the essence of the “cross -fire” has already been described above – this regime is exclusively multiplayer, since both teams consist of real players.
Ba, familiar faces!
To join the battle, you will need to choose one of the six existing classes – at this moment Monday Night Combat starts to brush strongly on Team Fortress 2 (/T I change the cap of Ellis, “Sharu”, “Steel Fists”. – approx. Ed.). True, quite simplified: do not wait for the same number of “chips” and “lotions”. Each character has two types of weapons and several unique pumped abilities. Each improvement is acquired for the same dollars as everything else, so we can say that Monday Night Combat – The project is life, because it decides a lot in it.
All classes are different from each other, which, accordingly, means a different game manner of the game. It is very funny that the so -called tutorial (or training) is available for only one character, so you will have to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the rest either from the text cheat (the menu is available to us a detailed description of each class), or (which is much better) immediately)in the process of battle. Although the names are also said for themselves: “tank”, for example, will be indestructible and goes ahead, and the elegant “Assassin” girl turns into invisible and inflicts a treacherous blow to the back.
Having accumulated money, we get access to creating our class. True, they will allow you to choose only the so -called sponsors who will encourage your performances in every possible way (do not forget, we are in TV!). There are several such classes can be generated, only to open each new slot is required more and more crispy pieces of paper.
In fact, a single mode in Monday Night Combat introduced exclusively for check. Even in order to practice, it is still better to immediately choose network battles – here the study will go faster, and the money will be accumulated (they will never hurt, whether?). Well, of course, you will receive special pleasure from the battle in a team with friends. Well, with the possibility of voice communication – all the more.
Monday Night Combat, Of course, it is not a masterpiece or revelation. This is just a good entertainment in quality. Of course, we do not advise buying a game without fail, but if there will be an opportunity to look at it closer, do not pass by. Well, if you and your Timmates are looking for new entertainment, in this case you should definitely pay attention to Monday Night Combat.
Pros: all conditions for a friendly team game on the network;Only the best was taken from famous and recognizable projects, and the implementation did not hit the mud in the mud.
Cons: It would be worth making the game more, add “chips” and “lotions” to it.